Practice: How far is it from the...

Forma frases correctas:

How far is it from the airport to the bakety?
It's five minutes from the airport to the bakery.
It's ten minutes from the airport to the bakery.
It's fifteen minutes from the airport to the bakery.
It's twenty minutes from the airport to the bakery.
It's twenty five minutes from the airport to the bakery.
It's thirty minutes from the airport to the bakery.

It's fifty five minutes from the airport to the bakery.
It's one hour from the airport to the bakery.

Sustituye los lugares y los minutos que se tarda en llegar de uno a otro:

How far is it from the bakety to the airport?
It's five minutes from the bakety to the airport.

How far is it from the shoe shop to the airport?
It's ten minutes from the shoe shop to the airport.

How far is it from the butcher's shop to the airport?
It's fifteen minutes from the butcher's shop to the airport.

How far is it from the hairdresser to the airport?
It's twenty minutes from the hairdresser to the airport.