Practice: Países y nacionalidades europeas

Países y nacionalidades europeas:

Estonia - Estonian

Finland- Finnish

Iceland- Icelandic

Ireland- Irish

Latvia- Latvian

Lithuania- Lithuanian

Norway- Norwegian

Scotland - Scottish

Sweden- Swedish

UnitedKingdom- British

Wales - Welsh

Austria - Austrian

Belgium- Belgian

France - French

Germany- German

Netherlands- Dutch

Switzerland- Swiss

Albania - Albanian

Croatia- Croatian

Cyprus- Cypriot

Greece- Greek

Italy - Italian

Portugal - Portuguese
Serbia - Serbian

Slovenia- Slovenian

Spain - Spanish

Belarus- Belarusian

Bulgaria - Bulgarian

Czech Republic- Czech

Hungary- Hungarian

Poland- Polish

Romania - Romanian

Russia- Russian

Slovakia- Slovakian
Ukraine- Ukrainian

¿Ya te las sabes todas? Pues ahora vamos a ponerlas en práctica, vamos a hacer frases. Los ejemplos son solo con tres países o nacionalidades pero tú puedes hacer todas las combinaciones que quieras para aprenderlo muy bien

Where are you from? ¿De dónde eres? I'm from… (país) Soy de…

I'm from Estonia

I'm from Finland

I'm from Iceland

I'm… (nacionalidad) Soy…

I'm Irish
I'm Latvian
I'm Lithuanian

I live in… (país) Yo vivo en...

I live in Norway

I live in Scotland

I live in Sweden

I'm not… (nacionalidad), butI livein… (país) Yo no soy… pero vivo en….

I'm not British, but I live in United Kingdom
I'm not Welsh, but I live in Wales
I'm not Austrian, but I live in Austria

Are you from…? ¿Eres de…?

Are you from Belgium?

Are you from France?

Are you from Germany?

Are you…? ¿Sois…?

Are you Dutch?

Are you Swiss?

Are you Albanian?

In … they speak En … se habla ...

In Croatia they speak Croatian

In Cyprus they speak Cypriot

In Greece they speak Greek
Do you havenationality? ¿Tienes la nacionalidad…?
Do you have Italian nationality?

Do you have Portuguese nationality?

Do you have Serbian nationality?

Yo, tú, ella, él, nosotros, vosotros y ellos, vamos a probar a cambiar los pronombres.
Con las frases de arriba también se puede hacer.

I'm… (nacionalidad) Soy…

I'm Slovenian

I'm Spanish

You're... Eres…

You're Belarusian
You're Bulgarian

He / she is from Él / ella es de…  She/He is Ella/Él es…

He is from Hungary
She is from Hungary 

She is from Poland
He from Poland
She is Hungarian
He is Hungarian
He is Polish
She is Polish

We're from Somos de… We're Somos…

We're from Romania

We're Romanian
We're from Russia
We're Russian

They are from Ellos son de…

They are from Slovakia
They are from Ukraine 
They are from Czech Republic

They'reEllos son…

They're Slovakian
They're Ukrainian